Install Homebrew using the Terminal and the instructions on the Homebrew home page. That’s all! When this script finishes the mono version which you specified should be the used by the tools which use Mono (including Xamarin / Visual Studio for Mac). To install using this method: Launch the macOS Terminal application. Ls -alh /Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/Current # just for fun print this symlink too, which should point to the version we just installed # debug: mono version after install, just to confirm it did overwrite the original version
mono-installer.pkg '$MONO_MACOS_PKG_DOWNLOAD_URL' # and set it here as the value of this variable: # for the version you want to install from: # Get the macos universal pkg installer download url
Simply add a Script step to the relevant workflow(s) as the very first step in the build (the script doesn’t have any dependencies so it’s safe to run even before Git Clone etc.): #!/bin/bash brew install node mongodb & brew cask install visual-studio-code. If you’d need a specific version of mono other than the version which ships with Visual Studio for Mac, you can install any available mono version with a simple Script.Īll you’ll need is the macos (universal) pkg download URL of the mono version you want to install, which you can get from: Homebrew, the missing package manager for macOS.